2010: New Experiences & Photography Class

I can't believe that we are already more than halfway through January. It really seems like I was just celebrating New Years Day with a family portrait session. I really feel like 2010 is about trying new things, moving forward with your goals, and celebrating our lives.  One of my new things this year is that I will be teaching a photography class at great local spot to anyone who registers that is interested in learning more about their cameras and photography in general. I'm excited to have the opportunity to try something like this, I think it's going to be a lot of fun for the people who sign up and a lot of fun for me because I love to talk about anything photo related!

In the spirit of new experiences, I wanted to share this great link I found of a 360 degree panorama at the summit of Mt. Everest by photographer Roderick Mackenzie. It was published a few years ago to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first summit by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. It's amazing, definitely check it out!

And because I find the mountains so inspirting, my photo for today is from a trip at the end of 2009 to the Adirondack Mountains to visit friends!
