About two weeks ago I planted some seeds in the hopes of getting a jump on my new garden I'm planning for this spring. I've never had my own garden before and it is something I've felt I wanted to try ever since my grandmother passed away earlier this year. In reality it wasn't even as planned out as that. I was wondering aimlessly around the store one day while running errands when I saw one of those pop-up displays of seeds. I was suddenly filled with this huge desire to start a garden. I thought about our friends that we visited two years ago and I loved picking fresh tomatoes from the garden in their yard. Something seemed so positive and healing about growing vegetables and flowers that I felt compelled to give it a try. I walked out of the store that day with $10 in seeds. 

When I got home I had no idea where to begin and noticed some of the seeds said that I should sow indoors. I figured out what that meant and set to work. Every day I've been checking these seeds and within the past few days the tomatoes started to sprout! It's exciting because just two weeks ago these were just seeds in a packet that I bought on a whim, and now in such a short period of time I have the beginnings of a modest garden, and potentially a new hobby! 

It would be a huge oversight not to mention that this reminds me of how quickly time moves. I miss my grandmother, the children & families that I photograph are always changing, and nothing ever really stays the same. But with photographs I'll always remember my first tomato plants, and all of the other great memories too. 
